U S G r a n t s . c o m
October 12, 2024, 6:12 pm UTC

Falcon Construction USA LLC 271990676 | Government Grant Application

Falcon Construction USA LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 271990676

    Location: austin, TX, United States

    Length of Operation: 10

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    We do multi-family renovations, due to the pandemic, renters are no longer paying rent, forcing apartment owners to shut down the jobs that we were in the middle of doing. In addition, we realize this sector will suffer for a while and need to diversify our business lines- we want to expand into commercial roofing- we have a guy we would like to hire from another company who is an expert in this area and does on average $8mm in sales per year and increases on average by 36%. This funding would cover the first few months of his overhead and materials in order to get this line of business going. This will also cover office expenses and our regular overhead.

  • Business Plan

    We want to start a new division of our company to focus on commercial roofing and also add a service division. The Service division will create a regular stream of revenue that will cover our fixed costs. We want to grow by adding new sales teams in different parts of Texas to grow state-wide. We will also incentivize our employees in a way that they will help grow the business by aligning their interests with our own. We know that the person we are trying to hire has a proven track record and could head this new division. We are persistent and driven. Given the latest pandemic and realizing that multi-family is going to suffer for a while, we immediately began looking at where we could diversify and find other streams of revenue. Like many businesses in the nation, we want to survive and further more we want to continue to build something that our children may one day want to take over. As a veteran, we are taught to stay in the fight and I refuse to fail.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Camp Construction- much larger- nationwide. Gage Construction- Fairly new to the business. Contractors Inc- hire inexperienced sales people. We are ethical, we give accurate bids unlike many of our competitors where they low bid and then put in change orders which then makes the bid in line with ours- we like to be up front and transparent. Our service model and communication- we have an app that allows property owners to go online and see exactly where we are in the process, if there are any issues. We update it with pictures and notes as to what was accomplished each day. We also only hire people who are experts in their field. We want to make sure we provide quality work and craftsmanship. Our Integrity- that is by far what makes us standout the most.

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