Affordable Computing, LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: DL180715
Location: Rapid City, SD, United States
Length of Operation: 0
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
Boost our inventory, be able to put out higher end gaming computers, hire another technician, raises/bonuses to our current employees, re-design our store front appearance.
Business Plan
We would love to be able to expand our business to more technicians and be able to build more higher end computers. We would also like to find more ways to get younger kids interested in technology and computer building. We currently took over an established 10 year business and want to make it something that our community can be proud of. We are looking at our company not for what it can do for us but ways that it can help others to find something that just may become their futures.
Self Identified Competition
Our top competitors are Amazon, Best Buy and Office Depot. All of these stores are able to have a larger inventory and therefore don't have to turn customers away like we do. We are not able to have the funding as they do to keep all the newest and greatest on hand. We are definitely a one of a kind business here in Rapid City. We have a great staff that will go out of their way to try to help our customers with their needs. We aren't afraid to open early or stay late, make appointments to suit our customers. If we don't have what you need and you are willing to wait we can order it for you and save you the hassle and time. We are also a recycler of computer parts, therefore we are able to get you computers at a lower cost as well as keep those parts out of the landfill.
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