46-2723751 | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 46-2723751
Location: NORTH READING, MA, United States
Length of Operation: 8
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
Before the pandemic, we were planning to expand our business to an additional location in Lynnfield. Because of the virus, we temporarily gave up this idea. Money from this grant would finally be able to help us resume in our dream in expansion. Additionally, we have been closed since early March and continue to not be servicing our clients because of the pandemic. This has caused us to lose a significant amount of what would have been dependable income. To reopen, we need funds to get ourselves in compliance with the new state regulations for Covid-19, and also restock our food that has expired since we have been closed due to the virus (this alone is estimated to be around $20,000).
Business Plan
Prior to the pandemic, our business plan was to open an additional location. We had hired new staff for this new satellite location, but had to put them on hold. Within the next five years, and hopefully sooner, we plan to completely open this new location and also bring back enough employees to make it sustainable. As a mother of 6 children, it has become extremely apparent to me how this pandemic has played a crippling role into small businesses. 8 years ago, I started this business from nothing. Since then, I have helped countless people lose over 12,000 pounds of body fat and have helped them live happier and healthier lives. Additionally, as a business woman, I have a grown a keen sense on the entrepreneurial world, and by being both self-sufficient and successful, I have been able to give back to my community, as we offer internships, act as a training center, and make many donations to other small businesses and local organizations. Also, I have developed many local partnerships that have allowed me to build my business in a more efficent and reliable manner. We have a great passion in helping our clients and being able to achieve their goals of healthy living while also watching them be able to make many significant life changes.
Self Identified Competition
My top 3 competitors are Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, and Awaken 180. Weight Watchers and Nutrisystem act similar in that they are both large diet based corporations that seem to spend more time advertising themselves than actually dedicating one on one time with their clients. On the other hand, Awaken 180 is a smaller and more local competitor, but even still they struggle with developing connections with their clients. As previously mentioned, both Nutrisystem and Weight Watchers act more as a corporation than they do a personal and relatable diet clinic. We, on the other hand, specialize in developing individual relationships and personal plans for our clients so that they, no matter where they start, will be successful. For at least 5 years, I have been known as the number one diet clinic of my type in New England, with the highest success rate, most weight lost, and achieving the most success overall. My integrity and passion has not only forced me from not being like Nutrisystem and Weight Watchers, but it allows to learn from their mistakes and be able to integrate a more successful business plan that allows for the clients to come first. This is my life passion, and the only reason I seek out this money today is so that I can continue to grow this passion during this very challenging time. On the other hand, although Awaken 180 is smaller and more local, they concern themselves more with profits than they do customer relations. That being said, Awaken 180 has spent much more on advertising than they have employee training. With no previous advertising, we have serviced over 1,500 separate clients in a short amount of time. Dissimilar to us, Awaken 180 has not stood by their clients or their promises. I know this because, many of my clients have come from Awaken 180 and have expressed to me their extreme disappointment in the company. Awaken 180 has repeatedly changed their name, as they have had multiple lawsuits put against them. This is something that I know, as long as I am the owner of my business, will never happen here at Ideal Protein. My focus is our clients and to have proper business practices while also enacting skillful entrepreneurial behaviors that lead to greater success. With this money, not only will I be able to strengthen the morals my business holds, as previously mentioned, but also will help me give back even more to my community and give people an opportunity to stop being taken advantage of from businesses like Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers, and Awaken180 (which, among many of its name changes was once previously known as 1030 Weight Loss)
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