U S G r a n t s . c o m
December 5, 2024, 10:16 pm UTC

Stylez By Sue 82-1094502 | Government Grant Application

Stylez By Sue | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 82-1094502

    Location: Alexandria, LA, United States

    Length of Operation: 3

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    Building $40,000 Installation $5,000 Electric $5,000 A/C unit $10,000 Wheel chair Access built $2,000 Flooring $2,500 Painters $2,500 Salon Equipment $5,000 Cashier Register $2,000 Product $8,000 Salon Tools $5,000 Utilities $5,000 Cell phone $1,500 Internet $1,500

  • Business Plan

    Hiring employees with clientele With more employees will come more exposure for the business. I will also advertise on radio and Billboards. Great services always grow a business with advertisement. I’ve been in business for myself for three years now and I haven’t given up. I’ve grown each year in experience and revenue. The hair business is growing and evolving every year, and so am I. That’s what makes me unique. My ability to push harder and learn the techniques that’s needed to grow in this business. If I had this opportunity to expend, not only will it help me but my community and hair stylist as well. Employees will be hired and professional services will be provided to the community.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Walmart JC Penny’s Fantastic Sams These companies are franchises and doesn’t thrive on relationships and consistent clientele. All my clients and family members I have an relationship, an understanding, and respect. These franchises stylist change every other month. What I have is long term and still growing .

  • Contact Applicant

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