Heath tree care LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 84-2056449
Location: butler, GA, United States
Length of Operation: 2
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
I will use the funds to buy the tools I need to get the job done like a bucket truck stump grinder and a grapple truck to start off with
Business Plan
I plan to grow my business in the next five years by keeping my business relevant and active. I’ll expand the ways that I advertise my business. I’ll get into contracts with the power line companies and army bases. With my residential work , I’ll strive harder to get referrals from doing great work. I think investors should invest in me because I’m very intelligent when it comes to business word. I‘m a hard worker. I’m determined to get my tree company where it needs to be. I put my all in to doing tree work , because it’s something I have so much passion for. I want to create opportunities for others and grow very big. Investors won’t have to worry about being let down by me because I plan to always keep the money flowing and make sure that my business stays up to part.
Self Identified Competition
My three top competitors would be Asplundh, Kendall, and Townsend , I see them as my biggest competition because they have been in the field longer way me and they have more than one crew. These companies have expanded farther than I have. My company is different because my company won’t just focus on line clearing. I plan to do tree removal and right away clearing. I feel like my vision is greater than the other companies , because I want to provide people with great opportunities to learn and grow. I want to create an environment that people will love to work in and give them something to look forward to.
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