General Information
Business Registration Number: 823338661
Location: MARICOPA, AZ, United States
Length of Operation: 2
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
Funding is needed for a Free Health and Wellness Center for Veterans, Their Caregivers and Children. The land and building need to be purchased and PSTD Therapists/practitioners, suicide and job counselors and temp housing would be made available. Additional AA/NA weekly meetings would be onsite.
Business Plan
Partnerships with local Veteran Organizations are in place, as well as partnerships with the City. We attend and have a vendor presence at all city veteran and wellness events. FREE care for Veterans suffering is a major problem in our city where 30% are veteran families. The additional issue are the alcohol, drugs and suicide issues that also affect their families.
Self Identified Competition
In our City there are no current competitors. Our services are completely FREE
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