Embold Foot Care | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 7968167
Location: Abilene, KS, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
Funds will be used for start up cost such as licensing, certification, medical and office supplies, marketing, credentialing, electronic medical records, utilities, a computer or Ipad, and any other cost I may encounter while trying to build the practice.
Business Plan
In the next five years I hope to grow the practice by adding more practice locations, and facilities. This would enable me to provide care for those in need. This would also allow me to hire a nurse and/or a medical assistant as the practice grows. I have been a Nurse Practitioner for 12 years and before that I was a registered nurse for nine years. I have worked in ER, ICU, and family practice before going into foot care. I have always loved the medical field and have always enjoyed taking care of and helping people. This is not an area that I would have ever thought that I would find myself in, but now that I am here I love it. I live in a rural area in Kansas on a farm with my husband and our girls. My husband is a lineman and also farms. I love helping out on the farm and with the animals, and love spending time with my family. Having a business like this will make it easier to work around my families schedule so that I am able to spend time with them, but also be able to take care of others.
Self Identified Competition
There really aren't any competitors in my area. The one company that I know of that does this type of care is over two hours away. That company does have a few facilities that they cover in this area, but they are suffering because of the lack of staff and the distance. The podiatrist clinics in this area do not provide routine foot care and definitely do not going into facilities to provide those services. Also with the change in health care, these long term care facilities are not able to or equipped to provide these services for their residents. If they do find a provider that provides these services they are not able to get the patients to the clinics to get these procedures done because of the distance and also transportation. I feel that my business is different because I am mobile and will go to where there is a need. I am local and have a better professional and personal relationship with the facilities, providers, patients, and their families. I am very knowledgeable and will go out of my way to provide the care needed for each patient. If I am not able to provide that care I will put the time in to find someone that can. I did not realize how much of a need there was for this kind of care until I started working in this line of health care. I love getting out there and seeing the patients in the facilities that they live in. I love getting to know the staff and the patients in all the different facilities. Visits are scheduled for forty five minutes, but I will spend however much time is needed to provide the care needed for each patient. I also keep in touch with the patients primary care providers and other providers they may have, so everyone is aware of what is going on with the patients.
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