TRIN3ITY Inc. | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 88-3182176
Location: Yigo, GU, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 11-25 Employees
Annual Gross Income: $1M to $10M
Annual Gross Expense: $1M to $10M
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
Please contact me for detailed startup costs. Target it between $9-$12m and will vary based on vessel market, vessel condition, and cost of steel. In general: 1. $2.7m: Purchase price of vessel (including sales tax) 2. $2.0m: "Reclassification" of reactivation of vessel (American Bureau of Shipping or ABS) to meet insurance and USCG standards. 3. $2.0m: Cost to purchase, fabricate, and install steel helicopter flight deck and other modifications necessary for military training. 4.$0.5m: Cost for maritime architect to create and get ABS approval of plans for vessel modification. 5. $0.2m: Local pier improvements. 6. $0.3m: Additional maint., standard inspections, cost to move vessel from LA or FL to VA, and legal due diligence. 7. $1.5m: Annual payroll + benefits & bonuses 8. $0.4m: Professional services and standard overhead
Business Plan
The Navy (off the record) has already indicated an interest for 3-4 additional vessels in the first several years in the US waters alone. Potential for 3 additional vessels at overseas US fleet concentration areas. 1. Long term government contracts provide stability and guarantee to investors. 2. Long term government contracts provide stability to business owner and employees. 3. $15-$20m annual cost savings to the US Navy per contract vessel. 4. Employment for US maritime industry crews. 5. Support of local maritime industry commercial and industrial services. 6. Plan is rapidly expandable with "cookie cutter" standard plans. 7. Plan creates "easy button" solution to significant military training shortfall/gap. 8. Plan could be adopted and expanded to other military services (USMC and USSOCOM) 9. Business is owned by 100% perm. & totally disabled US military veteran. 10. Plan is thoroughly detailed and vetted.
Self Identified Competition
No one is looking to do this venture. I have NDAs with anyone I have spoken to regarding this venture. The two main providers of "work boats" to the US Navy (Horbeck Offshore and Edison Chouest Offshore have stated they are not interested in competing with me since the would be a "sole source" contract operated by 100% disabled veteran). In essence, they recognize they are too big. There are plenty of owner/operators of heavy duty "work boats" in the united states. Their line of work is servicing the energy industry (offshore wind and offshore oil platform exploration and support). Those companies are giants with hundreds of vessels operating. No one else is in this line of work, yet. I have a good idea that is specific, detailed, offers good benefits to the taxpayer, to employees, and to the readiness of the US Navy. TRIN3ITY Inc. is an ideal combination of former US Navy helicopter pilot who understands military training and operations and a 30 year maritime operator and professional who understands the maritime business.
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