Black Girl Hula, LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 88-2544302
Location: Tampa, FL, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
I will use the $10000 grant for the following: - purchase 500 portable weighted hula hoops from an Alibaba manufacturer ($3577.20 including shipping) - purchase 500 custom boxes for the hula hoops ($1,584 including shipping) - Hire an intern and pay them a $1500 stipend to help me pack and ship orders - Pay premium memberships marketing sites such as Canva, Adobe Cloud, etc. ($200) - Maintain my website domain and membership ($200) - Purchase video record equipment to start workout videos ($250) - Order 250 customize tissue paper ($380 including shipping) - Order 10 lbs of black decorative shreds ($250 including shipping) - Purchase 250 customized hula hoop carrier bags ($625 not including shipping) - Purchase 250 waist measuring tape ($100 including shipping) -Table Cloth for vending and tabling ($380 not including shipping) -portable indoor & outdoor signage ($280 not including shipping) - the remaining balance will be used for purchasing more business cards and vendor registration and fees
Business Plan
I plan to grow my business in the next five years by using social media (Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube) to share my products. Also, I intend on leading virtual (Live and YouTube videos) and in-person workout classes for women and families. I plan to collaborate with other businesses and organizations, who promote holistic wellness, mindfulness, and physical health. I will use my community and higher education connections to find opportunities. Ultimately, I want to become a full fitness platform that promotes fun body movement. I plan to add other products such as: ankle weights, fitness apparel, arm hoops, yoga mats, water bottles, and face towels. Lastly, I want to create an ambassador program, where women can become entrepreneurs and sale Black Girl Hula products. Investors should invest in Black Girl Hula, LLC (BGH) because we value holistic wellness, community, self-care, and fun body movement. One of my major goals is to change the perception of working out and hula hooping. Everyone doesn’t like or have access to a gym. Hula Hooping is not a child activity or an activity for only one demographic. Instead it is an inclusive and serious workout that is also fun and engaging. Also, it is a viable option for those who want to increase their physical activity and have limited back mobility. Google images have women of European descent as the primary face for hula hooping. I want to expand that reality and diversify the image of hula hoopers! Hula Hooping is for everyone, including all races, genders, body types/sizes, and abilities. Beyond selling portable weighted hula hoops and other fitness products, BGH is expanding into a community, that is multi-generational, promotes health, wellness, and will provide financial opportunities for diverse communities. By investing in Black Girl Hula, LLC, you are investing in creating a physically and mentally healthier society.
Self Identified Competition
Amazon sellers Black Girl Hula, LLC hula hoops are not the typical plastic hoops. Instead, I provide portable and adjustable hulas that weigh 3 lbs. There are 8 total pieces that create the standard weighted hula hoop, but can be adjusted to 6 pieces or lower depending on age, individual’s body size, and overall comfort. Currently, my hula hoops comes in four color sets: pink and gray, yellow and gray, blue and gray, and green and gray.
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