D&K's Total Tree Service | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 1149011
Location: ParkRapids, MN, United States
Length of Operation: 11plus
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: $100k to $250k
Annual Gross Expense: $100k to $250k
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
Funding will be used for equipment Needed to expand our business in the fight against storm and disaster damage as we are limited with what we have we need to . invest And more and financially need help for that
Business Plan
I plan on getting more equipment for groth And more efficient equipment so I can get more jobs done and jobs done faster as we were booked last year with all the storms and insurance jobs but did not have the equipment And or crews Out there due to lack of equipment to get as much done as I would have liked I have a wonderful Growing company last year and itself was pulling more jobs than I could even handle It's the perfect investment as storms never stop and are always doing damage and or disasters in towns which keeps us constantly busy with work yet I need more equipment and more effective equipment to get more guys and cruise going and get jobs done More efficiently and timely This loan is gonna get me there I can only go up from here just need the help financially so I can grow physically
Self Identified Competition
In my area I really don't have any tree crews that are even at my level I have a few boom trucks already stump grinders and a chipper as well as equipment when it comes to size and stuff the two trucks I have work one is smaller and the other one is bigger but could be upgraded and could use a new truck as well as some of the other equipment could use upgrading as well as I only have one chipper and one stump grinder one out of commission as for the competition there is a little crew with no equipment in the area and another guy that just retired and it's a tourist area full of attraction And people from all over the world seasonal due to the lakes scenery and area it's five star just need the help to expand everything is their last year I was swamped an behind where i would have liked to be Due to lack of equipment I had a lot that I had to turn down Yet still a wonderful year But I wanna expand and grow as there's so much room in my area and category to do so help me with this What makes me different from the competitor in my area is that I am the one everybody calls and knows presentation is everything and I have equipment and Which the competitor I have has none up in my local area he's not even at my level I need to expand though as my level is limited equipment wise I have room and lots of it for growth
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