Haven Daycare & Preschool | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 86-3479884
Location: Helena, MT, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: $250k to $500k
Annual Gross Expense: $250k to $500k
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
This funding would be put to improving our marketing presence by creating an official website, through ads and merchandise, utilizing more effective hiring platforms, hiring bonuses, and making improvements in our center such as facilitating field trips and more extravagant curriculum activities that would rationalize raising tuition to grow our center even further!
Business Plan
Over the next 5 years, our biggest goal is to be able to build our own building for the center as an investment rather that continue paying rent at our current location. A built up from the ground center would also provide several amenities that our current location does not offer therefore creating more high quality childcare in Helena, MT. The childcare crisis in our country has progressed to a very grave situation for those with children, people planning on having children and childcare providers themselves. Centers and group care homes are drowning due to regular teacher wages being either insufficient or families are stuck working solely for the purpose of paying for childcare. This is what adds to an incredibly difficult hiring process to find quality staff who will do the best of their ability to provide proper care to the next generation. I understand that there are many other career fields and professions suffering similar issues, however our economy cannot function and will lose a major source of its work force if childcare no longer becomes a viable option.
Self Identified Competition
We currently only have few competitors as many centers have either closed or full. Openings are childcare are far and few between. In Helena, our top 3 competitors would be Discovery Kid Zone, Bloom Montessori and Rocky Mountain Head Start. All of which are full or have extensive wait lists. Other centers are either the same size as us or smaller. Our center is different mainly because the current owners and directors have worked under criminally poor managerial conduct within the childcare field be that related to mistreatment of staff themselves or the business in general resulting in constant staff and client turn-over. As someone who experienced this first hand, it resulted in a significant passion for making childcare an enjoyable and rewarding career choice that also leads more people to further their education in child care or early childhood assistance such as grade school teachers, special needs specialists, and child advocates such as a CPS agent. This passion is carried through the teachers we choose to include in our team to make a strong positive energy surrounding caring for children and all that comes with it. This also means we are open and excited to try new methods, equipment or programs to improve our center and hopefully revolutionize childcare for the better!
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