Outs Logistics LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 85-3638280
Location: Mishawaka, IN, United States
Length of Operation: 0
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
I plan to purchase a truck and trailer to run my hotshot business. I will need insurance and supplies.
Business Plan
In the next 5 years I plan to have added a second truck, trailer, and driver. I'm expecting to have both trucks running to full HOS stated by DOT regulations. I expect to have tripled my income in the next five years. I am a driven woman of color who is familiar with the trucking industry. There's a small percentage of female drivers and an even smaller amount of women of color. I plan to show that women can own trucking companies and be very successful.
Self Identified Competition
My top three competitors are male owned large corporations. Often times large companies have unrealistic deadlines to meet. Which causes drivers to not have time to engage with the customer. I am a one person business that has the time to meet with and build customer relationships. I am able to network effectively and market my business.
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