River Rock Architecture LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 88-3856418
Location: Whitehall, MT, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
Website design & marketing
Business Plan
TO GENERATE BUSINESS Once website is up to create SEO and lead generation to my site. Register my site and business with construction & home design related organizations online, Create blogs & social media pages. Get involved in my local community and town to help with public building projects and volunteer my expertise & experience. Be a part of the town planning board. Write free articles that incorporate my knowledge regarding building design, construction projects, renovations, and DIY teaching for various FAQ and building or home projects people may need help with through YouTube & videos on my own website. Actively notify & provide resources to all local & regional real estate offices & general contractors of my existence as a business & location. INTERNAL GROWTH Hiring on people as employees or private contractors to help with client demand / need for an architect professionals outside the Bozeman area and small surrounding communities. Right now Bozeman, Montana is growing very rapidly and as a result many of those who are coming in are looking to build homes. Many have no place to go, are waiting for land to open up to purchase. Those who have purchased land are also on waiting lists with the active architectural firms and home builders waiting to have design services help them. There are a number of established residential architects in Bozeman & Big Sky, many of which require sizable design fees for those looking to build high end multi-million dollar homes. Before determining to start my own practice, I recently was working for an architectural firm in Bozeman that admitted to turning down any work below $10 million in construction costs. This dilemma leaves many less wealthy people who are looking for an architect, either on waiting lists with builders or less professional designers for up to 1 to 2 years out or more. This is creating an unmet secondary market need for professionals that can help these people. This has created a demand two-fold. First, it is causing those who are local, long-standing residents in Bozeman to seek to move out to the outlying rural areas and small towns because of the rapid population influx and crowded city growth. They are anxious to move outside the town within the smaller towns, but not so far away from the region. They want to stay established in the region. They are selling their Bozeman residences and are buying real estate in the outlying towns and rural areas looking for local design professionals to help build a new home. Secondly, there is a market of non-local people coming into Montana to live that cannot afford to purchase a home in Bozeman, and also looking for more outlying, and rural alternatives. Once outside the Bozeman/Big sky market, there are very few local design-related professionals to choose from. They are left to go to non-professional, less experienced designers or home builders already overloaded in work. Without more local architects and design professionals to help with this demand, it creates a huge risk potential for unevaluated planning & development & consumer-driven home designed communities that ignore the unique & pristine environment of southwest Montana. This common, un-reversible problem has occurred in other high quality of life regions & pristine natural scenery areas of the country that have been almost ruined because of super-fast growth. I live and have situated my business in Whitehall, Montana. A small, rural town over an hour away from Bozeman, that can give those looking to settle in this area, an option to employ my services to not only help them with their dream, but be sensitive to the preserving the beauty of the area.
Self Identified Competition
As described above, there is not really much competition for the kind of service I can provide in the rural surrounding areas for this market. There are a few firms scattered in some of the bigger towns in the area, like Helena & Butte, but are small, older established practices that are not looking to help fulfill this market. I have been in architecture for over 25 years. My experience has been with past firms that have provided exceptional quality design. I am not so much concerned with tapping into the high frenzy, super wealthy building clientele that most of the architectural firms in this area, especially Bozeman, are determining in doing. I want to provide a more affordable fee option for clients without sacrificing quality & professionalism. I have worked for some of these firms and as a result, know exactly what I am competing with & aware of the negative aspects of their services that most clients are helplessly unaware of; that which I am determined to alleviate, and provide a better service & even higher quality product for them in the end. I am extremely detailed and highly motivated to provide a superior service & experience for the home owner. I was originally trained in residential architecture with a very high level of detail & quality. I am very thorough and because of my level of experience, am also very intuitive during the design process to help clients along, preparing for and/or avoiding the pitfalls and problems that the average person does not know. I have worked for other firms that charge much higher percentages and provide way less in service & product - something that they can get away with because the client is at the mercy of the professional & usually doesn't know any different.
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