U S G r a n t s . c o m
February 7, 2025, 4:41 am UTC

Livingston Marketing LLC 831169951 | Government Grant Application

Livingston Marketing LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 831169951

    Location: Riverdale, GA, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: $100k to $250k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    We are in desperate need of the funds to keep the business afloat, so the money will be used for operating expenses. If we can increase our advertising dollars, we'll be able to get more sales. We have a proven system in place for advertising with Google. In 2021 we did over 300K in business and for 2022 would've easily done over 400K. Increased advertising costs for the same amount of sales combined with the increased product cost equates to over 400K in unexpected change that literally happened overnight, which is crippling to a small business like ours. I hired a SEO company that has been working hard at helping us get our ranking back. The monthly operating expenses is what we need help with. In the midst of this happening, which was probably the manufacturers motivating factor, Covid-19 occurred. We did not receive any additional funding to help with that crisis, like most businesses did. Because of the loans, type of loans I had to get to keep us afloat was/is costly. Because my credit card usage was increasing, the rates increased. I've done everything possible to keep the business running & we just need some relief to help with operating expenses. We would like to ask for 500K.

  • Business Plan

    The National Director of Bat Caddy began as an aid to help our entry into the business 5 years ago. It took a while, but I discovered the ideas, marketing techniques, branding, etc. that I was reviewing with her as future plans was being implemented on their #1 retailers platform. We were the first to make our homepage welcoming & more personal. This retailer changed their home page following our format. These ideas I discussed were quickly implemented on this retailer's platform, which helped me confirm everything I was discussing with her she was telling with them & they had the capital to quickly implement our ideas. To be a new retailer & to have that much influence over an almost 20 year dominant force in the industry, along with the manufacturer & other competitors let me know we had something special. It was common to hear from our customers, "you guys are like the Chick Fil A of golfing supplies." No one else was offering the service we were/are. This is why we quickly became a target, we discovered. With the needed capital we'll be able to give the public the necessary service, product, & experience they deserve. We want to be put in a position to regain our position in this industry that has been stolen from us over the past 2 yrs. We'll have the necessary funding to advertise the way we did in the past. Right now because we don't have the funds, we can't advertise and therefore don't get as many sales, which results in a lower Google ranking. We've fought long and hard to be in this space for this long and these funds would completely change the trajectory of our future. This funding used for our operating capital would be critical in our desire to provide the service we're wanting to the public. With obtained funding from you we'll not only be able to revert back to functioning and operating the way we did years ago, but we'll be able to obtain more manufacturers, further expanding our brand to a bigger audience. The more options you give customers, the bigger your audience. Having the increased funds is the key to being able to advertise more, which automatically means more volume, therefore more conversions. This in turn means we'll be able to gain our Google ranking. As everyone know, if you're not in the top three spots in Google, you're almost non existent. Because of the growth, we'll be able to hire more staff to be able to operate more efficiently and give the customers the customers service each and every customer has grown accustomed to. I was out on leave from work, because I had a surgery. I initially started a business to supplement my income & I was bored. I'm an extremely hard worker, so I needed to stay busy & starting the business was a much bigger project than I could've ever anticipated. As the workaholic I am, this was what I needed. I was up for the challenge & began seeing a way to build a legacy. Financial freedom seemed within reach & something that started out as a way to make supplemental income 5yrs later has become a business I see can become a household name. No matter how good the business idea, no matter how well organized, no matter how loyal our customer base....if we don't have the funds to keep it operating, it will not survive. Trying to compete with a giant who is a household name like Bat Caddy, who has been around 2 decades than us is no small feet. We were becoming a force & competing with their biggest retailer and we just needs the funds to make what we know the company has the potential to do. I've put an enormous amount of my personal funds into this, despite the many operations and procedures I've had to have over the past 5 years. We didn't anticipate who we thought our biggest ally was in the industry to be using all our information & giving all that insight to our biggest competitor. They were protecting a company that was with them for decades longer than us, so I get it, but protecting their biggest retailers we didn't know involved crippling our business in the process.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Years ago it would've been Motogolf (Bat Caddy's #1 retailer), but because of inside info, we're no longer at that spot. I'm sure Bat Caddy has done this before because it was done so masterfully because of our relationship - at the time - with the National Director that we trusted her fully. We didn't see it coming. Currently, Sunrise Golf Carts, Golf Warehouse, and Golf Caddy Pros What makes me the most proudest is hearing, "you're like the Chik Fil A of golfing supplies" at least once a year. Customer Service is extremely important to us and each order we handle with individual care. The second proudest moment is us still being in business. Bat Caddy has presented many costly challenges for us over the past 2 years & we've remained. Because of all their changes, 2-3 competitors have gone of out business. They remain partners with their biggest retailer & need to be able to compete, but need the capital to do so. We beg that you help us be a contender in this industry.

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