Rae | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 2446-0068
Location: Morgantown, WV, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
Expenses will be mostly in securing a proper location with all necessary equipment and supplies to start the business
Business Plan
Business will grow via online presence with websites and social media. Along with sales, word of mouth, and catering events. It is anticipated that having the business located next to a school will generate initial interest, with local traffic as well as an increase presence of pipeline/fracking construction workers will generate growth. I am a veteran of the United States Army Reserves, I have a fun personality, and I am determined to get things done. I have previous experience in owning a cafe, and I have established a network of acquaintances that have already expressed a need for a business of this type in the area. My family is also a part of the plan where they will help the business grow where they individually have strengths in marketing/branding, and knowledge of the products that i want to sell. My plan is to have this business be a long-term family-known business that my daughter (whom the business is named) will one day take over the business.
Self Identified Competition
Blacksville is a small town in the western end of Monongalia County, WV. The main competition is the local 7-11 convenience mart. The other two businesses in town are: a. A locally-owned hot dog stand (Weezers Hot Dog Stand) , and b. A small restaurant that is only open for lunch and dinner on select days that is technically located across the Mason-Dixon line in Spraggs, PA (The Creek-N-Rail Restaurant). The next closest coffee shops are located in Morgantown, WV which are nationally-known chains. The hot dog restaurant does not sell coffee or in-house brewed tea. The small restaurant is not focused on coffee or tea offerings, but in serving food. The 7-11 has basic coffee offerings (cream, sugar, and hot, not iced coffee), and will not be a place where customers can come and spend time and visit with one another.
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