Ramsey Security LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 86-2571874
Location: LOS ANGELES, CA, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 11-25 Employees
Annual Gross Income: $250k to $500k
Annual Gross Expense: $100k to $250k
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
The funds will be used for payroll, Training, uniforms, computers and other office equipment.
Business Plan
I plan to grow my business in the next five years by recruiting top notch security professionals and offering them competitive rates that are second to none while all along establishing a family friendly environment where employees want to work for us even though we aren't the big name company I should be awarded funding because of my unfailing desire to be the best security guard company around. As a former security guard I treat my guards with decency and respect and more than just a number or name.
Self Identified Competition
1.Allied, 2. Allied 3. Allied. I'm different from other companies because of my innate desire to better the guys that work for me. I also root for the underdog and as a result I've hired several homeless individual's and got them of the streets thru my efforts.
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