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February 7, 2025, 9:44 pm UTC

Blaeser Farms 82-1324159 | Government Grant Application

Blaeser Farms | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 82-1324159

    Location: CHIPPEWA FALLS, WI, United States

    Length of Operation: 6-10

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    Using the funds would help us build a proper animal handling facility to aid in birthing and care of our animals, allow up to increase herd size, upgrade our vehicle to get meat to the market, it would aid in increasing awareness of local beef supply in the community, ability to upgrade freezers for display and storage.

  • Business Plan

    In the next five years we would like to increase our herd size to 500 cows. By doing this it would allow us to sell directly to stores, Keep products local, supply beef to restaurants and become a stable beef supply for our community. A investment in our farm will allow customers to cut out the middle man and go directly to the source of quality beef. By doing so it eliminates any supply chain issues that may arise in out of state trucking, avoid mass quality recalls, and provide a cleaner healthier product to its consumers.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Sysco, Indianhead foods, grocery stores Selective Genetics Our main genetics consist of Highland, Simmental, Hereford, Holstein, and Angus breeds of cattle. We chose these breeds for their great maternal qualities as well as their natural resistance to insects. Their backgrounds make them more resilient in Wisconsin weather, and they give a high yield of quality beef with the efficiency of production on grass. We continuously try new breeds and genetics to raise cattle that are most likely to produce top-quality beef on a grass foraging diet. Humanely Reared Our cattle are treated in the most humane way possible, which means no confinement in feedlots. They have plenty of pasture so that they have a clean area to rest and eat. We use frost-proof waters: in the winter, they always have fresh water that never freezes, and in the summer, the water is always cool. The water, which comes straight from a well, is clean and fresh as opposed to the water from ponds and streams where cattle tend to eliminate. No added Hormones or Sub-therapeutic Antibiotics The practice of using hormones and sub-therapeutic antibiotics is common in the cattle industry. Hormones such as estrogen and testosterone are routinely given to feedlot cattle to produce more muscle at a rapid rate. Blaeser Farms goes to great lengths to eliminate these practices with our cattle. We rely on genetics, forage, and herd health to grow our cattle in an effective, healthy, and productive manner. Better Nutrition Research has shown that grass-fed beef is more nutritious and healthier than the grain-fed beef sold in supermarkets. Grass-fed beef has less total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol as well as fewer calories. Grass-fed beef offers more health-promoting fats, such as Omega-3 fatty acids, and more antioxidants, such as vitamin E, beta-carotene, and vitamin C. Environmentally Conscious Blaeser Farms focuses on our cattleā€™s impact on the environment. Our farm is actively involved in the water and soil preservation programs with the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Our cattle drink from the same water source as we do, which keeps bacteria and pests from spreading through our herd. Our cattle are not confined to a small area, which reduces pollution from manure runoff. We also employ a rotational grazing program to better use seasonal grasses for production, which is more efficient and lessens environmental impact. Dry Aged 14 days Blaeser Farms dry ages its beef for 14 days before packaging. That means it hangs longer so that ice crystals go further into the muscle and tenderize the meat. Some studies have shown that grass-fed beef needs a full 21 days, but we have found that the extra week is unnecessary for our beef because of the great effort Blaeser Farms puts into selective genetics, forage, demeanor of the cattle, age of the animal, and humane treatment of the animal, including at the processor. Our beef packaging lasts more than a year in the freezer, preserving the meat's delicious taste, texture, and quality. Commercial beef packers use gases and chemicals to make their beef stay red longer on the shelf; Blaeser Farms does not. Lower Prices Lower prices do not mean cheap beef! We achieve a lower price for a number of reasons. First, the cattle are born on our farm, so the end product is not affected by market prices. Secondly, you buy the beef straight from the producer, not paying anyone in the middle. Lastly, as with any business, we want to be profitable, but we are also very conscious of our prices. A family of three ourselves, we strive to sell our products at fair and reasonable prices.

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