MissFit, LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 831024003
Location: Galesburg, IL, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: $100k to $250k
Annual Gross Expense: $100k to $250k
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
To catch up on back rent, bills, and payroll.
Business Plan
We want to offer more personal training packages, fitness classes, nutrition coaching, self-defense classes, massage therapy and yoga. Basically we want to offer a total package offerings for those looking to improve on their health and fitness. We are a woman-owned and minority-owned gym in a typically male dominated industry. We knew we wanted to stay local to Galesburg as we are both from the area. We know that people want fitness and health programs that they can use forever, not just for the moment. By combining fitness, nutrition, and accountability, we were making great strides as a business. However, it’s been a tough go competing again big box gyms and when the pandemic hit, we small businesses were hit the hardest. We were only able to get $3000 in covid assistance which didn’t even cover our rent. Even if we could only use 40% for rent, more would have been helpful. Now we are still struggling to come back. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Self Identified Competition
The YMCA is one of our biggest competitors. They’ve been around and had the market cornered for the last 157 years. They offer fitness for the whole family including basketball courts, volleyball courts, swim team, soccer teams, baseball fields, and much more. They offer fitness classes and training but they don’t need to push those as they have something for the whole family. They also receive federal grants to help pay for families that can’t afford a membership. Planet Fitness is our next competitor. They have a huge, brand new facility offering weights, cardio equipment, tanning beds, and hydro beds all for $10-$22 per month. That’s just not a reasonable price for us to offer. CrossFit Wig Wag is our next competitor. Although they are very specialized in what they do. They only offer CrossFit workout classes at scheduled times. We guarantee that our clients reach their goals. We offer kickboxing classes, fitness boot camp classes, and customized personal training packages. We customize each package to meet our client’s goals, time, and budgets. We do this through custom fitness workouts, custom nutrition programs, and personal accountability coaching.
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