Anderson & Company Electrical Services LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: Anderson & Company Electrical Services LLC
Location: Woodbridge, VA, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
We plan to spend these funds on training and hiring 30%, research and development 15%, inventory 15%, and equipment 40%. We would like to hire on one full-time and two part-time employees with the purchase of additional insurances and additional work vehicle to expand the business.
Business Plan
I plan to have 6-10 employees with 4-5 service trucks running 5 days a week. We want to develop and open an apprenticeship program for underprivileged youth in the area. Through amazing and affordable servicing alongside proper communication and training we plan to revitalize the workforce. Little known fact, any home with a electrical panel that is more than 30 years old is outdated and required to be changed prior to the selling of the home. There are 3 million people living in Northern Virginia currently and half as many homes in the age-appropriate range for these panel upgrades. With the growing need for electrical power throughout homes the foreseen growth of my company is exponential. With the proper funding to acquire the proper team we could easily increase the company's revenue threefold.
Self Identified Competition
Michael and son's is the largest electrical contractor in the Northern Virginia area and by far the most expensive. Over the years I've witnessed so many of my customers that have been price gouged by this large company, creating a solid space for the growth of smaller companies like mine. I could continue about the other competitors in my field but with Michael and sons being the largest of them all of a consider that they are my top three competitors all in one. I provide services at cost that are effective to the job and respectful to the client as well. We do not mark up pricing by locality or potential wealth. Every client is a client and every client should be treated with equal respect. Electrical wiring is essentially the nervous system of the home on the residential side of things we revitalize electrical systems that were previously installed over 30 years ago. While most contractors in the area are setting prices as high as possible to make the most on one job as they can we pride ourselves in returning to these customers and continuing to provide them with services throughout their home owning experience.
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