Hampton’s Hair Collection | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 86-3566085
Location: Norco, LA, United States
Length of Operation: 2 years 9 months
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
I would like to purchase inventory to keep on hand to increase my revenue, with little to no start up cost I don’t keep much on hand which clients will typically prefer.
Business Plan
I plan to grow my business in the next 5 years by completing school and following through with opening my beauty bar. The hair business is a very popular business that is steady growing. I plan to offer classes and also sell my wigs and hair wholesale to other companies in need of vendors. My business has grown a lot in just a short time , and little access to funds. If I had access to more I would build not only more but steady clientele. At the moment I do a pre order method for my customers but typically they’re shopping for something quick they can grab which I am looking to offer for my clients and also new and improved packaging.
Self Identified Competition
My top 3 competitors would be The Hair King Pin, Daisha Laid and WigsbyMay. What all 3 of these competitors have in common is a variety of styles which is more options , quick shipping time , and also more ready to ship units. They can offer overnight shipping to customers because they have their products on hand. With my competitors their companies are at their peak, I feel my company should be invested in because I have a vision ready to be put to work. I have the push, passion and drive to make my brand succeed more than it already has. I offer quality work and great customer service. A lot of my clients are returning customers not only for my personality but for the quality of my hair.
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