Ally and Nala | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 92-3476656
Location: Omaha, NE, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
I will be using this funding to pay for my year lease on my building. This will help me focus on providing inventory for the kids in my town. I am the only kids clothing store and my goal is to provide them with good and high quality clothing. They deserve clothes that won’t rip in a couple months.
Business Plan
I plan to grow my inventory. Once that is grown I plan to expand my business to other small towns in Nebraska that don’t have a store for their children’s clothing. I would also add maternity clothes as well that is so hard for pregnant women to find. I think you should invest in me because this is for a good cause. This is providing for the community in a way that they don’t have. This will not only benefit the kids but the town of Beatrice as well. Beatrice is tired of having to drive over an hour for children’s clothing.
Self Identified Competition
Walmart. What makes us different is the brands that we will provide. I have famous brands that have agreed for me to carry. Magnetic Me, Dokatot, Hunter Boots, Angel Dear and Copper Pearl. What also makes me different is that my store is not only women owned but I am African American. I dont know of a business owner that is a young African American women in Beatrice. I hope that I will inspire others like me to start their own business. I am also going to reach out to school to offer classes in owning a retail store.
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