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February 17, 2025, 10:45 pm UTC

Royal Fischer (Kelly Lopes Business Solution LLC) 61-1936884 | Government Grant Application

Royal Fischer (Kelly Lopes Business Solution LLC) | Application Preview


Royal Fischer, through Kelly Lopes Business Solutions LLC, is seeking government grants to support their Accelerate Program aimed at helping small business owners, particularly minorities and those facing challenges. The business coach highlights the high failure rates among small businesses, emphasizing the importance of effective succession planning and support systems.

The Accelerate Program offers a structured, three-phase approach to business management, covering essential areas such as administration, marketing, leadership, and financial strategy. The goal is to empower business owners to build sustainable and scalable enterprises while maintaining a balance between work and life.

With plans to serve 220 business owners in five years, Royal Fischer aims for a high satisfaction rate and robust client retention. They propose to document the program for broader outreach and establish a coaching certification to expand their mentorship capabilities. The initiative includes a unique accountability agreement for participants to give back after three years, ensuring the program's sustainability.

Revenue projections anticipate reaching $5 million annually within five years, driven by a combination of paid clients, scholarship opportunities, and supplementary services. The founder believes in the mission-driven nature of their venture and positions their program as distinct in the marketplace, building upon personal experiences and tailored mentoring. The request for funding is framed as an investment in both community growth and individual potential.

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 61-1936884

    Location: Lakeland, FL, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    The statistics say that 25% of small businesses fail within the first year, 45% fail within 5 years, and 65% fail within 10 years. There are 33 million small businesses in America alone, those businesses employ tens of millions more people than just the owners. Millions of people's dreams depend on their jobs with small business companies. Small businesses are too important for the economy to fail. - Information from Donald Miller Book Many business owners are successful but when they are in the season of retirement, unfortunately, they fail to transition the business to the next generation because they didn't do the succession plan and the next generation does not have the capacity to continue the legacy. The problem is not only profit organizations, but 85% of non-profit organizations don't have a succession plan either and they fail when the CEO wants to retire. In my years of experience as a Business coach and consultant, I worked with many business owners at different levels and industries and I saw some characteristics and mindsets, beliefs in common: They believe they are alone, they cannot fail, and cannot show others that they don’t have everything figured out. It is like being vulnerable means they are not good enough, they are going to show weakness to clients, friends, and especially family. They don’t have a support system, or they believe they don’t have, this way they don’t look for organizations available to help them. They are lost, and confused with so many things to deal with, the bureaucracy of having a business, administration, hiring process, managing team, finances, operations… They love what they do, their area of expertise and they don't feel they have the capacity or time to stop everything to learn how to run a business. They are trapped in the day-to-day operations and they don't have time to think with strategy, they think with the technical mindset to produce and sell but they stopped to think with the visionary mindset to live the passion of the entrepreneur to grow, scale, and impact more lives with their passion. Many business owners are in burnout, going through a divorce because the company turned into an idol and destroyed their lives and families. They started the business to solve people’s problems but unfortunately, they are creating problems for themselves. This was my own story… In the US we have a lot of amazing organizations to support small businesses but I didn’t find one with a program step-by-step from beginning to end according to the level of the entrepreneur for him to plug in and learn from the foundation how to build a business, or how to reframe the business that started in the wrong way. These organizations do a lot of lunch and learns, seminars, and classes but nobody tells them how to put all the pieces of information together and which one is the first, what is the sequence to build their business strong to scale and at the same time healthy with work-life balance. As Business Coach and Consultant with my company Royal Fischer in Lakeland FL, I talk every day with a lot of small business owners, most of them want to work with me but they don't have money to pay for my services. They see the value, and they see the results with the free strategic session, but sometimes they are struggling with their finances exactly because they are trapped in the operations and don't have time to develop the sales department or marketing, worst they don’t understand the importance to have a Strategic Planning they want to know only about having a social media. Some of them are so exhausted, stressed, and going through burnout. So in November of 2022, I decided to put together all my knowledge and experience and create a program that I can bring with specificity and strategy the practical side of Business, Administration, Management, Finances, Leadership, Marketing, and Sales strategically designed for the business owner put into practice and grow the business with work-life balance. In the Accelerate Program, the business owner has access to high-level business knowledge, like doing an MBA but with no need to stop for three years because they will have specific tools for their businesses from the foundation to the top in 90 days, building the business in three phases: I Business: that will build the Identity of the business connected with the “why” of the owner Inside Out: Structure of the business as a corporation, with the strategic plan, products, and price point according to the 20-80 rule. Business to Others; Aligning the strategy of marketing and sales with identity and strategic planning. Building the brand and authority of the company in the Market. A program developed in three phases with 8 steps that makes sense building first the mindset of the business owner to think with strategy. I want to have the ability and flexibility to give the program to minority business owners that are in need of mentorship to build grow and scale their businesses, especially to the ones who are going through some real difficulty. For example, a client I have that I gave him a 50% scholarship because he is suffering from a chronic illness, he has lymphoma, the business suffers, and his finances suffer. In our strategic session, I identified he needs the program because if he knows how to run his business with strategy and "clone" himself he could go to the hospital and the business still working for him. He is a perfect example of someone that could be a beneficiary of the program building his business and leaving a legacy for his kids in case he passes. In the same way for minority entrepreneurs, that wants to start a business but they don’t know how to start. I want the funds to expand my business to reach out and help these business owners and for that, I need to hire people that will help me to serve the business owners. The next step will be to record the Accelerate Program in a video to reach out to more people, after that to “clone” myself with the Accelerate Coaching Certification, a program for Business Coaches with Accelerate curriculum that will help me to coach and mentor the business owners, and the third hire and have a team of marketing and sales to help these minority business owners to put in place their website, SEO, google profile, social media, ads, give training to them on that and much more. I don’t want to stop there, to participate in the program with the minority special condition they need to sign an agreement contract of accountability and give back to the program after three years. So this team of business coaches will help them and maintain them accountable for three years with the responsibility to keep the business owners on track, to the success of the client and the company checking all the areas we developed during the Accelerate program. After three years the business owners will give back a percentage of the profit to the program to help others that are part of the program. My request for the grant is to start, and I believe we will grow so fast that will open doors and increase sales from regular business owners, and the return of the funds to the program will be self-sustainable.

  • Business Plan

    Plan for 5 years: We will serve 220 business owners through our Business Accelerate Program, with a goal of achieving 98% satisfaction. This will increase client retention and bring in 80% of new customers through our referral program. Our commitment to our clients does not end there - we plan on continuing to support them with the Strong Tower Mastermind to maintain their mindset and accountability in 2024. We will help launch their businesses to the community with the Expo Accelerate. We will accomplish all these three main goals by February 2025. In five years we will be serving business owners all around the USA working with the Accelerate to All and the Kingdom in Business teaching them to grow their business by principles. Our motivation stems from our belief that these business owners deserve to fulfill their passions and purposes, while also improving people's lives, solving problems, building legacies of prosperity for their families, and impacting future generations. 2023 - 1) Establish Accelerate Program with 5 groups of 12 people each - a total of 60 business owners. 2) Start to record Identity and Purpose Mentoring to be an online course to sell 3) Launch the book "The Rescue of the Real Identity". 2024 - 1) Starts the Strong Tower Mastermind with the 60 businesses owners from Accelerate Program 2023 - $199/month - starting January 2024 - 5 groups 2) Launch the Accelerate EXPO -on February 2024 - launch locally and online with a big Business Expo for the 60 businesses that worked with me in the Accelerate Program in 2023. This is to maintain the loyalty of the client showing him that we help them to be successful in the business. This will keep the client retention and the referral program. 3) Expand the Accelerate Program and start with the Minority group with a 90% scholarship. 156 paid people-businesses 10% of the spots available for the scholarship. 4) Starts the Kingdom in Business mentoring groups 5) Restart with online store 2025 - 1) Strong Tower Mastermind - 156 people - $199/month - Starting January 2025 - 10 groups. 2) Accelerate EXPO - February 2025 - 216 businesses. 3) Expand the Accelerate Program with the recorded version to sell online and offer minority scholarships. 4) Establish the Kingdom in Business Program 5) Develop the Accelerate Program Business Coaching certification to start training and developing Accelerate business coaches to help with the online students. To do a partnership with a College or University to validate the Certification. 6) Grow the online store with the Accelerate and Kingdom in Business Brand 2026 - 1) Accelerate established and growing 2) Accelerate EXPO local established and growing 3) Start Accelerate EXPO online 4) Establish the Business Coaching Certification Program 5) Grow the Accelerate to All for 25% - 50% of spots available for scholarship 6) Start the Marketing Agency to help the Accelerate to All program. 2027 - 1) Establish the Royal Fischer Company in all states in the US as a Business Coaching and Consulting serving Business owners with Coaching 101, Mentorings and Training, and helping minority groups with the Accelerate to All program, in all US with online mentoring, accountability meetings with Royal Fischer coaches and 2 days live event. 2) Establish the Faith-Based program Kingdom in Business for all of those who want to run their business by principles that englobe the Mentoring, the Strong Tower Mastermind, the Accelerate EXPO, and the TOWER platform to advertise the services. 3)Start the publisher to edit, print and publish our books and clients books to create residual income. In five years we project revenue of $5 million a year. Why should investors invest in me? I believe that we need to grow and contribute. I believe when we build a business need to serve a cause and a purpose that connects with our purpose and with others. I believe investors should invest in me because my company is a company with a cause, that is growing while helping others to grow. I have a proven track record and a clear vision for the growth of the business for the next years, and I have a passion for small businesses because they are a fabric of this country.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Competitors Today I don't see them as competitors but as mentors because they have a different niche, different audience, and level of business owners, but I learn with them because they speak the same language and what they teach is a fraction of what I teach in my Accelerate Mentoring. Donald Miller - Business Made Simple Michael Gerber - E- Myth. What makes you different from your competitors? What makes me different is my experience as a business owner, I built a successful business of architecture and real estate investment in Brazil, and I failed to lack emotional intelligence and to be so focused on the day-to-day operation. Today I don't have competitors in my field because nobody is doing what I am doing. The professionals from business consulting or coaching in the Lakeland area, are doing something that is a fraction of what I do. They don't do mentoring step-by-step since the foundation of the business as me. The majority of them have corporate experience but they don't have experience building a business. I heard from an employee of the Lakeland Chamber of Commerce "We don't have business mentors in Lakeland Kelly, what you are bringing with Accelerate Program is unique, the Lakeland business community needs a Business Mentor."

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