Resource Medical Group, LTD | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 00000000
Location: Toledo, OH, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: $500k to $1M
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
To purchase a building structure in Lucas County to promote more employment opportunities and growth for the county. Ready to launch State Tested Nursing Aide classes/program to promote education and growth within Lucas County.
Business Plan
State Tested Nursing Aide program will expand and operate efficiently in 2 week incurraments. Resource Medical Group, LTD is a healthcasre staffing agency that already promotes employment to Lucas County residents. The expansion of more contracts with Long Term Care facilities will increase which than in return increases more workers to be hired to fill all the staffing needs within the contracted facilities. The need for quality reliable Healthcare workers to work remotely within Lucas County is not going anywhere. Healthcare workers are in high demand everywhere what sets our staffing company a Parr from the rest is the fact that we keep our workers to be remotely based within their own communities we do not hire for travelers. We strive on having a growing per deim network of individuals within a county structure to remain working. By the launch of the STNA classes it only encourages growth within the community giving opportunities for those to get a education and than go right into employment by us having the staffing agency for those who graduate with their certificate to have employment immediately upon completion.
Self Identified Competition
RMG has so many corporate level competitors within Lucas County but they aren't able to produce such high quality workers nor does any school or staffing agency a dual system with having their own STATE TESTED program and a staffing agency to take on all graduates immediately. We have DUAL system to keep the student continuing within our structure group as a worker.
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