U S G r a n t s . c o m
February 7, 2025, 4:19 am UTC

Groot Transport, Limited liability Company 803127596 | Government Grant Application

Groot Transport, Limited liability Company | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 803127596

    Location: Baytown, TX, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: $100k to $250k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    Daily operations, pay supplements, possibly expansion

  • Business Plan

    We currently have business plan to build safe haven parking for commercial truck drivers, using recycled tru grid for these lots, pourus yet concrete hard. This plan will offer truck drivers a safe place to park, rather than using shoulders of major highways across the US, which can be very dangerous for truck drivers and civilian vehicles as well. OOIDA recently reported the FMCSA opinion of the extreme demand for these types of facilities, to keep ALL motorists safe when traveling our highways and rural areas. We are a small business with a plan to help alleviate this desperately needed resource for all truck drivers nationwide. We have completed research pertaining to initial start up and build cost, utilizing resorces for obtaining a virtually remote operational business, while also employee remote emplees for monitoring and customer services related issues by providing these truck a safe place to park which would, in turn, also keep other motorists safe simultaneously. We would be using environmentally friendly TruGrid, instead of concrete, which when completed, is as strong as concrete, yet pourus, eliminating the need for retention ponds, in areas that require same. My wife has spent her entire career in the legal and real estate fields and has completed most of the research for this business expansion. It is in very high demand and necessary according to the Texas Department of Transportation. We are ready to put this business model in motion, while diversifying and expanding our own transportation company in the process. This is in high demand for all who travel roadways across the United Ststes.

  • Self Identified Competition

    We are a small trucking company that has hundreds of competitors (other owner/operators. Any Owner operator, formed with an LLC is a top competitor. This is a daily fact, that can also change daily. Owner operators and/or truck drivers themselves are, for the most part, like minded. They focus on one thing and mostly limit their ability to solely operating a commercial vehicle. We are also OwnerOperaters, who are committed to the daily operational needs of our current business. However, we do recognize and keep apprised of the many governmental reports emerging within the last couple of years, sighying this need and the importance of same, and of the ever changing safety needs and requirements of all truck drivers. As such, we have created this business plan based this need, confirmed by the US government and the FMCSA. We are ready to put this plan into motion, with current contractors standing by.

  • Contact Applicant

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