emerald dreams boutique | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 565807488
Location: Bradenton, FL, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
expanding my business, buying bulk of product and advertising and getting my business out there
Business Plan
I plan on going for E-Commerce and Word of mouth sales only to Advertising on all major social media sources and eventually getting a physical store to base to run day to day operations out of as well as sales out of the front end. Why shouldn't more investors be fighting to get into a market that empowers women with the power of Beauty and confidence as well as Self Defense Key Chains that serve a dual purpose of Safety and Survival tools that are affordable.
Self Identified Competition
There are multiple Facebook and Tiktok sellers of self defense key chains I have seen many individuals selling self defense key chains but I haven't seen any that put in the time and effort to get a LLC and Business website. I also sell them at a fraction of the price because I want women to be able to afford the items they need and want to feel Safe and Beautiful.
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