Darnell Transport LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 202132302224
Location: CINCINNATI, OH, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: $250k to $500k
Annual Gross Expense: $100k to $250k
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
The funding would be used towards truck/trailer payments, and set aside for future maintenance costs.
Business Plan
I plan on adding another truck, maybe two in the next five years, hopefully with very dependable drivers. If I am awarded the funding I will put the money towards good equipment to grow my business. I don’t buy cheap trucks/ trailers. I prefer to buy dependable trucks/ trailers. When hiring drivers I can’t just hire anybody. I want drivers that will take care of the truck as if it were their own and they are willing to work.
Self Identified Competition
Transportation is my trade and I work hard for my living. If the load is paying I get it and go, regardless of the weather, and if I miss a family gathering. Therefore since I want to grow my business, I have to sacrifice time to put effort towards my livelihood and I have a huge passion for what I do. Transportation is very stressful from breakdowns to shippers/receivers having you sit and wait, then you’re missing out on other loads that are paying a good rate. The more you sit, the more lost revenue. You always have to have a set goal on your revenue for the week. If you suffer a setback this week in revenue then you have to reset your goal and work harder the following week, especially hauling refer and doing flatbed. Flatbed trucking can be a daunting task on windy, cold, snowy, rainy days especially throwing straps and having to tarp the load. But I have a passion for what I do and my passion keeps me going to make the money to take care of my truck and my family.
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