UrCovered Roofing | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 87-2233354
Location: Mulberry, TN, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: $500k to $1M
Annual Gross Expense: $500k to $1M
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
A very large portion of the middle TN community has been taken advantage of by a contractor named David Bilbrey. He stole $52,000 of service from our company and many other companies and clients around the area. If we were to receive this funding, it would go directly into reaching out to new clients to help them never be in a situation ourselves and peers had to face. We are honest contractors attempting to change the way clients outside this industry view our trades. We want to grow more to help the community with honest people. This will also help us recover and continue forward with our small business in the great state of Tennessee.
Business Plan
We would like to invest in marketing and our SEO strategies. If we were able to receive a grant to give us the opportunity to reach more customers, we could increase our business tremendously. We aim to maximize our presence in our areas of work to give people a form of trust that we won't lose. Our plan is to continue to grow through diversifying the trades our company does and gaining new employs to project manage those trades specifically. We started our business from scratch. We had zero reviews and only put our personal money in. We grew from a revenue of $30,000 our first year to $700,000 our second. This year we are on track for $1,200,000 million if everything goes at the same rate. We have also helped over 70 clients this year with everyone of our reviews being 5-star. We are great at what we do and wouldn't be reaching out for a grant if it wasn't for the theft of service to our company.
Self Identified Competition
Our top competitors are Underdog Roofing, Mr. Roofer, and Bone Dry Roofing. They have all been in the industry longer than us but we plan to eventually catch up. In 2020, I joined the military just before graduating college with a bachelor's in business administration. I decided to get a corporate style job but because of COVID, my offer letter rescinded. I had a decent amount of capital after graduating from basic. I was unsure what I wanted to do with my life or how to apply my current skillset to create or indulge in a career. My best friend, and current business partner, had recently created a company doing drywall repairs that larger companies did not want to take on. I spoke with him in detail and we decided we wanted to go into business with each other. I had the administrative knowledge and he had the know-how factor. I came up with our name and logo, and the rest has fallen into place. I am personally driven by two factors. My dad taught me growing up that one of the best feelings a person can receive from the world is starting a project and being able to finish it. I am also driven by making our clients happy. This happiness is not just for positive reviews but also for truly making the entire process for them as easy as possible. This industry is a very dirty business and we hope to leave people with a better impression the stigma of a current contractor. I believe this is what makes us different, we are going into this business with the right reasons.
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