D&D’s Charming Treasures | Application Preview
D&D’s Charming Treasures is seeking government grants to acquire a commercial building for a boutique, which would eliminate the costs of renting and allow for a centralized location for both retail and Facebook Live sales. The business plan includes establishing a storefront with ample window space to create an inviting atmosphere, along with local and social media marketing initiatives.
Despite facing financial losses over the past five years, the owner has remained dedicated and believes in their skills, determination, and passion for success. They have gained confidence through engaging Facebook Live sales and have developed strong customer relations, valuing every individual customer.
The local market features several co-op businesses, making location selection challenging. However, the owner prides themselves on originality and a unique sales approach, ensuring their offerings stand out. They continuously observe competitors and adapt to enhance their business.
The competitive edge lies in the owner’s passion for customer engagement and a commitment to improvement and innovation in their offerings. They're proactive in seeking feedback and continuously refining their approach, allowing them to envision a successful future with the right funding.
General Information
Business Registration Number: 146606273
Location: Sunbury, PA, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
I would like to purchase a commercial building to be able to open a boutique without the overhead I have with renting. I would like to be able to consolidate my boutique and my Facebook Lives in one building.
Business Plan
My plan is to have a store front property with lots of window space. My idea is to create a beautiful, welcoming boutique atmosphere. I will advertise locally, including becoming a member of the local township committee so that I am in the know of what the township has to offer, events, etc. I plan on advertising on social media as well. Not having the funds available is stopping me from making my business a success. Because of the competition in the area, I would research other locations but would need to be able to compete with other businesses. I have been in business for myself for five years. I have taken a loss every year, however, that has not deterred me from wanting and knowing I have the skill, determination, and passion to make it successful. I was very nervous when doing my first Facebook Live sale, but my viewers told me I am a natural. Since hearing this I am very confident in myself when doing these lives. My viewers love to watch me and look forward to spending their time with me. I have been in retail since I was legally able to work, therefore, I have exceptional customer relations and value each of my customers individually. I believe in my products and know that if given the opportunity to excel I can make my business a success. I literally spend most of my time on my business because I know hard work pays off. In order to succeed you must put the time and effort into it. My passion is off the charts, my ideas, visions, are there. I just need the funds to be able to bring them to life.
Self Identified Competition
There are numerous co-op businesses in my area. Finding the perfect location that doesn’t offer the same things I offer can be challenging. There are quite a few Facebook Live sales on social media, but I observe what others are selling and I do not sell the same items. I am original with my lives sales. I keep it simple and am myself. I take pride in my style and so do my viewers. Other than that I do not have issues with completion. I mentioned earlier about my passion, I watch others, I observe others in this line of business. I can honestly say my passion shows in everything I do. The way I treat my customers, I engage with them, I know what is needed, what they are seeking when I approach them. Whether it’s an outdoor event or a live sale I pay attention to their needs. I strive each year to become better in my crafts while upgrading my ever changing design. I research different areas for improvement. I am open to suggestions and have changed my decor for improving business. My visions are top notch in my opinion, and I know I have the ability to make it happen.
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