Fragrance to Freedom, LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 32087854611
Location: Temple, TX, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
I plan to use funds from this grant to build inventory, to build a affective and efficient e-commerce website, stock up on shipping supplies, pay for monthly memberships fees, purchase high quality labeling machines so I can save by doing most of my work at home, purchase labeling paper, tons of office supplies, advertisement, a storage shed to store inventory and I'm sure it's more that I can't think of right now.
Business Plan
I plan to grow my business in the next 5 years by purchasing and attending business classes. (I've taken some free one's already) I currently listen to multiple audio books (rich dad poor dad and others) to change my mindset from a employee thinking to a business owner way of thinking. I currently work a full time job so I learn as much as I can while at work (peoples personality, computer systems) that will help me when I do go into business for myself I've learn thing's for free. I plan on taking accounting class and I attend free taxes webinars online class as well. You should invest in Fragrance to Freedom because my company is built to invest back into the people. This company is build for the people; I am not the 1st priority. I'm combining my passion and a greater need to help create a healthy pattern between the injustice and the "free world." Investing in me is the start of another love chain that this world greatly needs right now. This will be the beginning of a life legacy.
Self Identified Competition
I believe I am my own competitors because I am the only person that can get in my own way. Self-doubt and fear my come but my vision for my company is so strong that I won't allow myself to get in the way. I am so passionate about helping and healing of people that I will overcome myself if I was to get in my own way. I am my own competitors. I set myself aside from other candle makers because I plan to use my platform to give a voice back to the people who have been silenced. I plan to bring back the the supreme principals of Love, Peace, Freedom, Truth, Justice. I think of it as me working for them. I'm giving hope to the hopeless, faith to the faithless, I'm planting sends of love in a place where some people would say love don't exist; in a place where dark over-rules. I'm different from others because 3% of everything we make will be donated to help those in a greater need. Giving them a Fragrance to Freedom, whether thats mentally or physically.
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