In My Corner Inc. | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 4850842
Location: Winchester, CA, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
We will use any funding to help hire another software engineer to help with the platform. We will also use the money to help cover monthly/yearly expenses.
Business Plan
We hope to be the leaders in our industry by providing top-of-the-line features and continually pushing ourselves to have the best product out there. We plan to offer our platform to as many people as possible while helping those people change their lives for the better! One of our founders works on the AI team for a major company which will help push us forward as a leading platform that people will want—leading us in the right direction. I have been in the fitness and health industry for over ten years. My passion is helping people better their lives through health and wellness. My platform will help build the gap between nutrition coaches and client connections. We will also have AI integration for all of our nutrition coaches, which will help cut response time in half, allowing coaches to carry a higher client load and, in turn, make more money. Nutrition coaches will be able to use our platform to help market themselves and build themselves organically without having to spend a ton of money on marketing or big corporations taking a huge cut of their profits.
Self Identified Competition
True Coach 1st Phorm Trainerize We will take a Tinder-like approach where clients can filter and seek a connection with a coach. More now than ever, people are wanting to connect with someone, and coaching is no different. Coaches will also be able to fully market themselves for free using whatever social media outlets they have access to. This will allow the coaches to "sell" themselves without paying a huge fee. We love that the relationship will grow organically by the client seeking out what they are really looking for in a person to work with. Our AI integration coaching system will also help coaches respond more effectively to their clients. We will also have AI nutrition lead coaching, where we can pick up patterns and allow AI to work with clients, eliminating the need for a coach if the client does not want one.
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