MacKenzie & Companies | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 85-2323080
Location: Fairfield, CA, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
20k to find local small venues in Northern California. 20Kto do advertisement on social media 30K to interview on live television. 20K to find a venue that will hold 200 people such as in a hotel. 10K and learning courses.
Business Plan
Events throughout the United States/TV show three national events on educating people on entrepreneur ship. Joining different, social Entreprenuer Business Groups to meet people to build the company with referral partners. Have a staff working for me editing the TV shows the website social media. Because I have a track record of doing this for another company that I was involved in. I have a great contact base, but I need more income to be able to get it up and moving. I have ran out of my savings starting this business. Will be educating young adults on business and entrepreneurship also, have a team program and television show.
Self Identified Competition
BNI, ceo space, c sweep. All business networking membership, base groups. We’re working together, not in competition, but to see everybody when working in collaboration together. We’re going to help send a message to the world that you also can be part of the 5% business owners in the world and take your dreams to the next level. But proper networking, not competitive networking. Buy educating are used today and young adults.
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