Fate Horizon Partners LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 0805035905
Location: Vineyard, UT, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
The funding will crucially help our business get started with paying for the essential reports we need to get a mixed use project approved with the city of Fate, TX. These reports will grant us the ability to present a finalized project to investors and partners for funding and investing in the beautiful city of Fate.
Business Plan
Our first project in Fate, TX will yield a profit percentage of 24.56%, which will provide around $500,000-$800,000 in profits from developer fees and selling the building. This large 6-figure sum will then propel us to start a few more projects to pay for the necessary soft costs to get them entitled and building permit ready. We plan to have over 10 mixed use projects in the next 3-5 years with close to 6-8 large projects built in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. We're a real estate development company that does common things in uncommon ways. We provide RE syndications for those interested in learning the development process but don't have the financial capabilities traditionally seen in the real estate development industry (Net Worth's of $1,000,000+). Lots of developers ask for investments up front of a project, we take the project all the way through entitlements and permitting before we ever present it to a potential partner. That way, we remove a lot of the risk associated with development while still providing 1.8x returns (40-60% annualized) over a 14-18 month timeframe.
Self Identified Competition
In real estate development, we actual help and share information, contacts and aid to other developers. In this industry, there are plenty of opportunities to go around. The hard part is getting the right connections and when we help those around us, it usually comes back 10 fold. In short, we don't have competitors in the traditional business sense. As mentioned previously, many development company start funding from the start of the project. We mitigate the risk and take on the most riskiest part of the business which is the entitlement process (paper approvals with the municipality). A lot can go wrong in this stage so we take on 100% of the risk then we offer the project to potential partners once it is approved and ready to go. Another moat is partner with everyone. This way, all the incentives of the project line up so that we build a high quality project in a good timeframe. We offer partnerships to land owners, general contractors, architects, other clients working on the project and/or those interested in development who want to see the process and get return while doing so. Our goal medal in the industry is communication. Basic or not, our standard operating procedures and the way we conduct our business shows a night and day difference from other developers our clients/realtors have worked with in the past. We communicate directly and clearly and do it often to make sure our operations continue to move forward. We've heard from many people we've done business with that they love communicating with us because we're always available. No one communicates like we do.
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