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February 7, 2025, 4:28 am UTC

New Hampshire Philharmonic Orchestra, Inc. New Hampshire Philharmonic Orchestra, Inc. | Government Grant Application

New Hampshire Philharmonic Orchestra, Inc. | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: New Hampshire Philharmonic Orchestra, Inc.

    Location: Bedford, NH, United States

    Length of Operation: 11plus

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: $100k to $250k

    Annual Gross Expense: $100k to $250k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    We have three very large and different concerts planned for the next season that starts in September 2023 and runs through May of 2024. We also have a $60,000 covid loan to keep us up and running as much as possible during Covid. Budget would be used to suppliment the three very large concerts, covering musician support, where we have to travel to different venues in order to perform. Info on the three concerts are below. #1 Proposed Performance of Camille Saint Saëns’ Organ Symphony The New Hampshire Philharmonic Orchestra The Methuen Memorial Music Hall, Methuen, Massachusetts Ste. Marie Roman Catholic Church, Manchester, New Hampshire May 2024 The Symphony No. 3 of Camille Saint-Saëns, more commonly known as his Organ Symphony, is one often requested by audiences. Due to its rather specific need of a massive pipe organ, performances are normally limited to the professional concert hall. We are proposing different venues to perform this monumental work. The Methuen Memorial Music Hall, less than ten miles away from the NH Philharmonic’s normal performance space of the Seifert Performing Arts Center in Salem, NH, is the home of a historic pipe organ. The facility was built specifically to house this instrument. The Music Hall is the site of many solo organ recitals and the occasional Christmas concert with brass instruments. The preeminent work for the combination of pipe organ and orchestra, Saint Saëns’ monumental symphony, has never been performed in Methuen. Working together with the Music Hall board, we propose a performance of this work in May 2024. The demand to hear this work in this setting is very high. Unfortunately, the large orchestra will occupy a good portion of the hall surrounding the organ console leaving about 200 seats per performance. To overcome the restriction of the Music Hall’s capacity, we propose a second series of concerts the week before the Methuen performance in the vast expanse of Ste. Marie’s Cathedral in Manchester, NH. Ste. Marie’s was the site of the Philharmonic’s last performance of this work over 30 years ago. Its powerful organ, large nave and abundant seating will allow the orchestra to perform for a larger audience right in the heart of Manchester. #2 Proposed Performance of Gustav Mahler’s Second Symphony – “Resurrection” New Hampshire Philharmonic Orchestra Chorales from Keene State College and Plymouth State University April 2024 Over the past half century, the music of Gustav Mahler has gained global interest and acclaim. Mahler’s music represents the transformation from the romanticism of the 19th century to the modern era of the early 20th century. The music resonates with audiences more today than when it was first introduced. In February 2023, the NH Philharmonic performed Mahler’s First Symphony to great enthusiasm from its audiences at the Seifert Performing Arts Center in Salem, New Hampshire. Many patrons responded by asking for “more Mahler”. In subsequent discussions with the music faculty at Plymouth and Keene States, the interest in responding to the more Mahler requests centered on Mahler’s monumental Second Symphony, the Resurrection Symphony. The full forces of a large symphony orchestra, vocal soloists, a stage filling vocal chorus, and if available, pipe organ are the requirements for performing this work. Performances are rare given these requirements. The costs of producing this work reduce the number of professional orchestra performances. The technical challenges reduce the performances from amateurs. The NH Philharmonic’s technical capabilities have been on display to great acclaim in recent years. Performances of the symphonies of Mahler, Sibelius and Tchaikovsky in the past two seasons reflected a maturity and capability well prepared to perform Mahler’s Second Symphony. The stature of the orchestra has not only been reflected in its artistic capabilities, but also in its size. The orchestra is large enough to present Mahler symphonies at their full sonic demands. By combining the Philharmonic with college choruses from Keene and Plymouth, we would be making this a true state wide performance. Given adequate resources, we plan on performing in Salem and in Plymouth. #3 Proposed Premiere Performance of Rhapsody in Red, White, and Blue The New Hampshire Philharmonic Orchestra Composer – Peter Boyer Piano Soloist - Jeffrey Biegel 2025-2025 Concert Season We are now celebrating the 100th anniversary of George Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue”. This remains one of the most popular pieces of music composed in the 20th century, a crossover piece combining elements of jazz along with classical music forms. To celebrate the anniversary of this iconic work, Grammy nominated composer Peter Boyer has written an homage to Gershwin entitled “Rhapsody in Red, White, and Blue”. Boyer collaborated with Steinway artist Jeffrey Biegel to embark on a unique introduction of this new work for piano and orchestra. One orchestra in each of the 50 states will give the local premiere of the music over the next three years. The New Hampshire Philharmonic Orchestra was asked to be the New Hampshire based orchestra to play the state’s premier performance. This is a great opportunity to showcase the orchestra and will be one that we widely promote. This is not the orchestra’s first premiere performance of a new work, but it will be the first premiere on a national scale.

  • Business Plan

    We are focused on growing our patron outreach by partnering with local businesses. We have 27 partner area libraries that promote The Phil and we are working on partnering with area senior centers and businesses like the Manchester Community Music School who we already partner with. We are also challenging ourselves to bring in strategic guest performers to enhance the programming and entice more patrons. We are actively A/B testing the different types of advertising that meets our needs. We struggle with finding good outreach methods outside of social media and e-mail. We have limited funds for advertising so we use earned media as our main source of business promotion. Organizations that believe in the arts and specifically live music performances. We have over 70 musicians who play most of the time for free and we are actively working on ways to generate more revevenue to compensate these musicians for the amount of rehearsal and performance that goes into just one concert. We are a voluntary, non-profit organization serving the Southern NH and Northern MA communities with affordable live music performances 10x annually.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Symphony NH The Portsmouth Symphony Orchestra Boston Symphony Orchestra We have been in existance since 1895 and performing since then. We are NH's go-to orchestra and was recently selected to help celebrating the 100th anniversary of George Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue”. This remains one of the most popular pieces of music composed in the 20th century, a crossover piece combining elements of jazz along with classical music forms. To celebrate the anniversary of this iconic work, Grammy nominated composer Peter Boyer has written an homage to Gershwin entitled “Rhapsody in Red, White, and Blue”. Boyer collaborated with Steinway artist Jeffrey Biegel to embark on a unique introduction of this new work for piano and orchestra. One orchestra in each of the 50 states will give the local premiere of the music over the next three years. The New Hampshire Philharmonic Orchestra was asked to be the New Hampshire based orchestra to play the state’s premier performance. This is a great opportunity to showcase the orchestra and will be one that we widely promote. This is not the orchestra’s first premiere performance of a new work, but it will be the first premiere on a national scale.

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