U S G r a n t s . c o m
February 9, 2025, 2:33 am UTC

Oracle's End LLLP 1372866500039 | Government Grant Application

Oracle's End LLLP | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 1372866500039

    Location: St. Cloud, MN, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    This funding is the higher end estimate of all previously explained expenses with an additional cushioning for possible bank loans if needed. This amount covers one full year of expenses AND current building renovation needs. One full year of expenses without renovations would be covered my $75,000 including and cushioning for potential lack of profit over first year startup.

  • Business Plan

    Our business's products are entirely handmade, so we plan on live-streaming designated crafting sessions over social media. Both store owners plan on using profits for herbal medicine and apothecary degrees for in house herbal tea blends (thematically called potions and only once also registered via local laws.) Each owner would be able to visit local vending fairs and events individually. Oracle's End is queer-women owned business who can provide diversity to our local area. Every product in our store is going to be hand made with discounts provided for individuals who want to donate potential supplies, such as glass jars for candles or plastic bags to be made into yarn for reusable shopping bags. The only things in store we would not be able to handmake is shaped and raw stones. Our store is pet friendly and both owners plan on having their pets with them in store.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Our top three competitors are two local stores called Mind, Body, Spirit and Bella Vita Salt Caves. Our one corporate competitor is Earthbound Trading Company. We have planned and budgeted to have a larger selection of genuine stone items than our local business competitors. Mind, Body, Spirit also provides entertainment Tarot services but both owners of Oracle's End offer those services at a significantly lower rate. Bella Vita Salt Caves is expanding into skincare, marketing itself as more of a spa. Earthbound Trading Company is corporate, and any handmade items in stores are fair trade but extremely expensive as they're always imported. Oracle's End provides a unique combination of providing our competitors products and services with both owners making ALL products in-store, with ethical material sourcing, at fair pricing, and both owners pledging themselves to collegiate level studies for degrees in areas wanted of expansion. Collegiate degrees would be Bachelors at minimum with possibility of Masters in the future. Both owners would be working for these degrees with payment from profits being funding.

  • Contact Applicant

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