The B Abrion Company | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 853309931
Location: Myrtle Beach, SC, United States
Length of Operation: 1
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
Funding will be used to secure vendors, purchase inventory, create custom makeup formulas, design clothing apparel, create the website, marketing materials and promotion, and to launch our first Large scale Networking event.
Business Plan
Within the next 5 years I plan on to have my makeup mass distributed in major retailers, as well as have my own retail stores in major cities. My brand will be bigger than Fashion Nova offering collaboration opportunities to celebrities as well as up and coming fashion designers. Outside of just the beauty industry, I want to create a safe place for people who feel misfit because they don’t fit inside of one box. I should be awarded funding because I am not doing this for selfish reasons, what I want to give to society is needed.
Self Identified Competition
My top 3 competitors will be: Fashion Nova Lovely Wholesale Fashion To Figure I will be different because I will provide quality affordable clothing for bodies of a shapes and sizes, with also providing a faster shipping turn around time. I also will connect personally with my customers through social media marketing techniques and by providing community. I will allow for my customers to communicate with me and each other, allowing us to share experiences and grow together.
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