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July 27, 2024, 1:10 am UTC

Good News Community Resources Good News Counseling LLC | Government Grant Application

Good News Community Resources | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: Good News Counseling LLC

    Location: West Monore, LA, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    We want to be able to provide housing for persons desiring to live in a drug free environment while learning to live a lifestyle of recovery. Housing that is not costing these people money that they can't afford will take the pressure off them temporarily until they can find employment. All sober living house add up charges on these persons from the day they walk in and when they find a job they are already hundreds of dollars in debt while at the same time needing personal hygiene items, court cost & fines, child support in some cases and other expenses. Financial pressure piles up and they give up and go back to the drugs. We want to be able to provide transportation to and from work for them after they have found employment and be able to pay a driver a reasonable wage for transporting them. We want to provide financial literacy to them and teach them about a credit score and interest rates as well as how to develop a budget. We want to mentor our young men and women so that they don't make the same mistakes experimenting with drugs and alcohol. We want to provide evidenced based treatment by bring on staff a Licensed Drug Counselor to provide therapy for them when they don't have insurance or can't pay for the service, we will have the funding to do so. There is so much work needed to be done here in Louisiana. We are in the middle of a opioid crisis and people are dying from fentanyl overdose daily.

  • Business Plan

    I plan to grow this business by hiring Licensed Counselors and Social workers to assist in the treatment of persons suffering with substance use issues, mental health issues, and domestic violence. I will also reach out to other likeminded individuals in the community to get volunteers to help me with mentoring our youth. We are currently leasing a building but in the near future I would like to purchase a center where people can come to a safe place and relax and receive a meal and comfort. Investors should invest in my non-profit because this is not about me but the community in which we all are a part of. Helping to solve these types of problems work to the benefit of everyone in our nation. Therefor it is not an investment in me but an investment in our future. Someone has to do the work in our cities to help people who are out here daily dying in the streets. Helping this organization is helping God's children.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Our only competition is a noncaring attitude in the minds of the people. I live in a city where we are pulling together to help people. We are not competing with anyone. We are one team, one goal, one city, one aim and that is to give back to others what God has so graciously given us; LOVE. The heart I have for people and watching lives turn around. I am a Pastor of a local church. We do all we can to help people, but we need some big donors to help us out. I am always hearing how such and such got a grant do this and that but no one ever helps us. I found out about this site from my step-son. So I am sitting here after church hoping and believing that God will put this application before the eyes of the right person and He will walk this through. I know what we have been doing for three years with no help from anyone. We are going to keep doing what we do but I pray we are given this grant. Thank you.

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