U S G r a n t s . c o m
October 22, 2024, 7:14 am UTC

SWISSHTECH Corp. 61-1851897 | Government Grant Application

SWISSHTECH Corp. | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 61-1851897

    Location: Stone Mountain, GA, United States

    Length of Operation: 3.5 years

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    We have a dire need for administrative costs, product development, office furniture , insurances, legal and licensure etc. that is exacerbated by the Covid-19 epidemic onslaught.

  • Business Plan

    Our current marketing efforts have allowed us a fair social media market following and we intend to deliver our cryptocurrency assets to these following to attain initial funding to complete product development. After product readiness we will offer our power supply to the Georgia region market as preparation for the next storm season's power outage solution. Expanding into Alabama Florida and other storm prone states of the region with the intent to meet the annually rising 400,000 portable power supply unit demand that exist there currently. Secondarily, our globally offered cryptocurrency tokens will be redeemed to acquire our product. While we increase each token's redemption value 20% annually until they're each worth the $1200. USD value of our Arc-regen hybrid power supply. This eventual 1:1 value between token and product will create wide spread acceptance and accessibility for our unique clean energy access product and help to meet the global power deficit while helping to compliment the clean earth paradigm. Ours is a unique clean energy product with revolutionary impact potential to dominate the $22 million USD global power generator market. Arc-regen will revolutionize the portable generator market with characteristics combustion drives cannot compete with like fuel-free drives, zero exhaust and unlimited runtime. Likewise, the the $1.5 trillion USD, Global renewable energy markets will readily accept a new more efficient entrant to assist with the global electricity deficit. Either of these objectives return values of global proportions to the wise investor.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Our competitors primarily are Generac, with their dominance of the combustion driven power generator markets. Then Briggs and Stratton with the quieter and most portable combustion driven generator units. Both competitors being combustion driven products are made antiquated by our fuel-less, quieter, ultra portable, indoor useable Arc-regen. Our third competitor is Jackery, a solar charging power access product. This product has a short high voltage runtime, extensive 6-8 hour charge up time and more cost nuances of the solar process. All these hinderances are not characteristics of our Arc-regen. Swisshtech is a registered C-class Georgia corporation. Our patent pending Arc-regen product is a revolution to the global electricity equilibrium effort. In truth ours is the most feasible product to attain this condition. To the clean energy paradigm our Arc-regen is the most feasible product to accomplish these objectives. Our profit potential is phenomenal compared to every other competitor because we eventually make them antiquated. Our cryptocurrency will drive global transition from conventional energy production by lending value through public support. In similar manner as Bitcoin has done to finance methods our tokens will impact energy production and access. Becoming customer held growing assets encouraging product acceptance while enhancing global acquisition and utility of our Arc-regen product. Swisshtech's differences to the competitors are myriad and revolutionary with our contemporary cryptocurrency integrated model and zero chance of failure.

  • Contact Applicant

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