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January 21, 2025, 6:23 am UTC

Caring Angels International Of Delaware Suite 103 Caring Angels International Of Delaware Suite 103 | Government Grant Application

Caring Angels International Of Delaware Suite 103 | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: Caring Angels International Of Delaware Suite 103

    Location: Newark, DE, United States

    Length of Operation: 6-10

    Number of Employees: 26-50 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: $250k to $500k

    Annual Gross Expense: $100k to $250k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    We want to be able to expand into other areas of care to include but not limited to, mental health services, drugs addictions and substance abuse services care, dementia care, group homes for at risks youths, community engagements through recreations and sports, training and job placements for disadvantaged youths.

  • Business Plan

    We intend to diversify our current operations from just staffing to mental health, the rehabilitations of at risk youths currently battling drugs addictions, sex abuse, homelessness, and school drop out within the community. We are of the opinion that, with the necessary help, we work along with Government to fight the burden of drugs addictions, gun violence when young people are given the proper care though housing accomodations, skills training, and community engagements through sports as a way to better their future, and lessen the burden on both their parents and Government at large.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Our top competitors are the following: Online staffing agencies, most of whom are not very committed to providing outstanding care but are willing pay more wages to a care provider. Example, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, a Certified Nursing Assistant was being $17.00 per hour, but are now being paid $30.00 per hour and that have gone across all care providers. The extranomical in costs of labor in the industry have posed a threat to our survival. Which is why, we will want to diversified our current operations to include other areas of care provisions to make us most competitive. These online entities; Inteli-care, individuals providers and new up springs that bring no credibility to the industry at a reduced rate, thus undercutting the market. We have a proven track records of providing care on a 24/7 basis at a shortest notice. All our caregivers are well trained, tested under the most difficult of times, especially during the heydays of COVID-19 here in Delaware. Our staffs were first have PPES for work, were not afraid to provide care because of the protection they were given from beginning of COVID-19, dependable, reliable and above all compassionate because of the love we provide to our clients. As our name depicts, WE ARE CARING ANGELS INTERNATIONAL OF DELAWARE, LLC. We are blessed to have a pool of healthcare practitioners from diverse backgrounds to meet the needs of our clients

  • Contact Applicant

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