Champion Arts and Computers llc | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 843782631
Location: byhalia, MS, United States
Length of Operation: 3 months
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
To move into something bigger. Buy more computers parts. And get organize.
Business Plan
More shows, open a small building to show my art work and room to work on computers I think if I had a investors. I would love to have a mentorship to grow my business. grow my capital. and the most important thing is networking with others. And to have a great business strategies. I think with out this I will not be very successful in my business
Self Identified Competition
best buy, office deport, and other computer stores. for my paint by diamonds not know what they are and how they are done to completed the work. We charge little to nothing to look at computers. We feel that not everyone is rich and we know it take a lot of money to get it fix. We let them know what's wrong and we go with them to get the part unless we have the part. We charge for the part. My paint by diamonds only charge for the painting and frame not the work.
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